I've had the privilege of photographing this munchkin since he was a newborn. Each milestone is precious and definitely some thing to be caught on camera.
He was extremely shy and not interested at first but I never stress out over that because I can perform magic behind my camera haha. So never stress out as a parent if your child is not too excited on picture day!
These are my favorite types of sessions. Why? Cause back in 2016 when I first started photography, I started with my own children, taking daily photos of them, every milestone was captured and the photos were and still are cherished. My love for photographing them is where this all started for me.
I really encourage all parents, especially first time parents to start with each milestone when you are pregnant with your first. You will never regret it! Never let the money stop you, consider it a once a year investment!
Watch Mr ~L~ grow up through these photos! I cant believe he is now 2!!