I love the calm nature this family has, they are so relaxed and my time with them was so enjoyable! I cant wait to meet their baby!
Look at the way she looks at her bump, knowing there is a tiny human growing in there.
This next photo I have to ad in here because it made me laugh, just a little photo bomb!
They know the gender and told me but I wont reveal it, I'll let them do the sharing and I'll leave you all guessing.
This family photo is so cute. Their little boy is going to make an excellent big brother!
I love adding little editing onto photos, as many of you notice, but I always include all the original edits in with the photos when I give them to you.
My favorite photos are the unprompted ones. Little guy did not want to be in many photos and for this one he thought he would run in and fall on mommy and daddy!